Bertric Burée (24320)

The people in our church come from a wide range of church backgrounds and our worship reflects this diversity. We warmly welcome you, wherever you are on your journey of faith.

Forthcoming services - Bertric Burée church community

  • Sunday 21 July, 10:30 Morning Worship, Carol White
  • Sunday 28 July, 10:30 Holy Communion, Rev’d Andy Horlock
  • Sunday 04 August, 10:30 Open Door: Church open for prayer
  • Sunday 04 August, 18:00 Evensong, Sheila Marshall
  • Sunday 11 August, 10:30 Morning Worship, Steve Long
  • Wed 14 Aug, 11:00 BCP Holy Communion, Rev’d Brian Davies
  • Sunday 18 August, 10:30 Open Door: Church open for prayer
  • Sunday 25 August, 10:30 Holy Communion, Rev’d Andy Horlock
  • Sunday 01 Sept, 10:30 Open Door: Church open for prayer
  • Sunday 01 Sept, 18:00 Evensong, Sheila Marshall
  • Sunday 08 Sept, 10:30 Morning Worship, Steve Long and Carol White
  • Wed 11 Sept, 11:00 BCP Holy Communion, Rev’d Brian Davies
  • Sunday 15 Sept, 10:30 Morning Worship, Rosemary Robinson
  • Sunday 22 Sept, 10:30 Harvest Holy Communion, Rev’d Michelle Godbold
  • Sunday 29 Sept, 10:30 Prayer & Praise, Steve Long

About our church

L’Eglise Saint Pierre – Saint Paul lies in the centre of the village of Bertric Burée (24320) and can be seen for miles around. The village is just off the D708 between Riberac and Verteillac. There is a large car park nearby.

Services: Our church community mostly comprises British expatriates from different church backgrounds, which is reflected in the diverse and inclusive nature of our services. We offer a blend of traditional and contemporary worship styles to cater to everyone’s preferences. The Church of England forms of worship are used for all services. Everyone is welcome.

An active and thriving Church Community:

We are an active church, organising and hosting a variety of social and fundraising events throughout the year. We also have various home and prayer groups to encourage Bible study growth and fellowship. Sharing a meal is an important part of our fellowship and once a month we enjoy a Bring and Share lunch after the service.

The Upper Room: a converted house with a garden opposite the church, provides a multipurpose space for worship and social activities.

The Book Barn has an extensive selection of second-hand books, DVDs and CDs. It is open after services and during the week and is situated in the front garden of the Upper Room.


Open Door: offers a space for prayer, reflection, and spiritual renewal. It’s a time when our church doors are open on Sunday mornings when there is no scheduled service. There’s no fixed agenda; this time belongs solely to God. You’re invited to come and go as you please, to linger in prayer, to seek God’s voice, and if you’re inclined, to engage in fellowship with others.

Prayer Ministry and Pastoral Care

Prayer ministry is available during and after services. If you would like prayer support, there is always someone available to pray with you. If you have questions, ideas or suggestions, please contact Cathy and Brian Wheatcroft (05 53 90 62 85 –

Our pastoral care team can provide company, hospital visits, a phone call, a listening ear, and prayer support. We would appreciate being informed of perceived needs so that where possible we can be of help.

If you know of anyone who would welcome a visit or call, please contact Jaki Moorhouse by email:

Thankful for the blessing of our church community!

Address : Le Bourg, 24320 Bertric-Burée

Contacts :

  • Ann Knight: 05 45 98 22 17 /
  • David Stacey: 07 89 53 86 38 /
  • For activities/events :