Activities & Events

In addition to the very popular Summer Fête and Christmas Market, there are a variety of social and fundraising events throughout the year when we welcome seeing new faces. These include Quiz Nights, Wine Bingo, Burn’s Night, Valentines Supper, Dances in the local Salle de Fete and much more! Our events are advertised on the Dronne Valley Network (DVN) so look out for what’s on next.

Online Prayer (zoom) on Wednesdays at 17:00

Anyone is welcome to join us each Wednesday at 17:00, for our zoom prayer meeting. We invite all to join us for this time together in weekly prayer for our community. If you wish to join in, please email Peter Robinson for the zoom link (

Monthly Randonnée: Church Walkers

Organised walks are scheduled to take place once per month, in various locations. Suggestions are always welcome!


For more details, please contact Joy Collett on: