Stewardship & Fund-raising

Stewardship & Generosity

“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” – John 10:10

Generosity is at the heart of our faith, we believe in a generous God and our own generosity is a testament and hallmark of our faith in action. The ministry and mission of our church here in this Chaplaincy of Aquitaine is largely funded through the incredible generosity of those who give to it. We do commit annually to raise and donate the equivalent of 10% of our church’s income to charitable causes.

The Chaplaincy, is an Association Cultuelle and cannot, by law, give money to any outside person or organisation directly and so we raise this giving by fundraising specifically for the charity and we donate that to Chap-Aid whose objectives are to collect and distribute funds to enable it to provide relief to those in need, to support outreach, and to care for individuals in France or elsewhere, and to collect and distribute funds to those ends in a spirit of Christian concern.

Ongoing collections for our local Food Bank

We regularly donate items to the Resto du Coeur in Ribérac, of non-perishable foods, tins and sealed packets.

Please continue to be generous. In these difficult times, more so than ever, there are so many people within our area that rely on these food donations to help put a substantial meal on the family table. Just an extra tin or two in your weekly shop is all it takes. Thank you, Geoff and Caroline Cogger

Fundraising for Charity

The Chaplaincy-wide Chap-Aid Charity Auction was started in Sept 2023, and along with online sales (via Vinted and LeBonCoin started in Jan 2024) have raised 275 € for the Henry Henderson Project in Malawi. Click on the image to join the Auction group on Facebook. Your contributions help small things to add up.