
Forthcoming services at Monteton church (47120)

  • Sunday 28th July, 10:30 please note that this service will take place in the church of Cambes  47350 (moved from Monteton), Holy Communion, Rev’d Liz Morris
  • Sunday 11th Aug, 10:30 Morning Praise, Tina Marshall
  • Sunday 25th Aug, 10:30 Holy Communion, Rev’d Barrie Green
  • Sunday 8th Sept, 10:30 Morning Prayer, Nellie Salvi
  • Sunday 22nd Sept, 10:30 Harvest Festival and Holy Communion, Rev’d Angela and Rev’d David Marshall
  • Sunday 29th Sept, 17:00 Choral Evensong, Nellie Salvi

About our church community

The Church of Notre Dame in Monteton (47120) is located off the D423 between Miramont-de-Guyenne and Duras, about 6 kms south west of Eymet and the Dordogne. The congregation at Monteton has been meeting for over 40 years in this church. Originally, a group of friends met in the home of Paddy Atkinson, but numbers grew and larger premises were soon needed. We are grateful to Abbé Grimaud who, all those years ago, made us so very welcome in this church.

Our congregation

We are part of the Church of England and our services are Anglican, as are most of our members, but others come from a variety of backgrounds including Methodist, United Reform Church, Baptist, Church of Scotland, The Brethren and other denominations: all are welcome!

Church of England

Church of England forms of worship are used at all services. All are welcome! Holy Communion and BCP ‘Sung Mattins’ follow traditional forms and our Morning Worship and Prayer and Praise services are more informal.

Music Ministry at Monteton


Thanks be to God for the Harvest

Our Holy Communion Service to celebrate Harvest took place on Sunday 9th October, led by Rev’d Liz Morris and in a church filled with glorious Autumn flowers, kindly donated and arranged by Dorothy Browne. Throughout the service we were reminded of the importance of the gifts of nature and of our responsibility to respect and use them well, beginning with a special Prayer of Penitence:

” God our Father,we are sorry for the times when we have used your gifts carelessly, and acted ungratefully. Hear our prayer.”


We sang the traditional and well-loved Harvest hymns and were delighted to welcome Rev’d Louise Courtney as our Preacher. As an Anthem, the Choir gave us Maurice Greene’s beautiful setting of Psalm 65, “Thou visitest the earth, and blessest it and blessest it, and crownest the year, the year with thy goodness”.The Harvest gifts, displayed on a table as we entered the church, were passed on to the local foodbank, Secours Populair Francais.

Fundraising for Charity

The Chaplaincy-wide Chap-Aid Charity Auction was started in Sept 2023, and along with online sales (via Vinted and LeBonCoin started in Jan 2024) have raised 275 € for the Henry Henderson Project in Malawi. Click on the image to join the Auction group on Facebook. Your contributions help small things to add up.


  • Adrian Inscoe :