Latest news

Summer services throughout the Chaplaincy

We rejoice in being able to gather to worship and share fellowship together in so many wonderful and diverse church communities. We are grateful for priests and lay worship leaders who travel to lead our services, sharing the Gospel message here in south west France.

Farewell services as our Chaplain Tony retires

Many of our church communities have been celebrating Tony’s ministry here in Aquitaine over the past eight years, and holding farewell services to say good-bye. We give thanks for Tony and Ingrid, and pray for them as they prepare to retire and move to the Vendée.

God of our beginnings and endings, we celebrate all we have shared with Tony and Ingrid, and ask your blessing as they continue on their journey. May the love that is in our hearts be a bond that unites us for ever, wherever we may be. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Alleluia! Celebrating Easter throughout Aquitaine

Blessed with Easter services in 10 different locations throughout the Chaplaincy, Christ is Risen!

Alleluias rang out throughout the day, from a sunrise service in the garden at Bertric Burée, to the baptisms of two young children in Doudrac, and then with afternoon worship in Bordeaux. Many thanks to all who decorated the churches so beautifully, to the glory of our Risen Lord.

We rejoice in the Licensing of Heather Gardiner in Bordeaux

On Sunday 18th February, many from around the Chaplaincy gathered in Bordeaux to attend the Service of Licensing of Heather Gardiner as a Lay Minister (Reader), by our Chaplain Rev’d Tony Lomas. What joy to be able to celebrate and give thanks for Heather’s dedication and training. Many thanks to all who worked so hard to make this such a special day, praise the Lord!

Singing Christmas Carols throughout Aquitaine

What a blessing to sing Christmas carols, announcing the holy birth in so many churches throughout Aquitaine. Many thanks to all the volunteers coming together: church decorations, musical rehearsals, serving refreshments, we are grateful for the team efforts to extend a warm welcome to these festive gatherings, shining Christ’s light of hope in the darkness.

Delighted to return back to worship in Bertric Burée church!

After twelve months since the church at Bertric-Burée was closed due to a loose stone in the chancel roof, we are now able to return to worship in this treasured place. Over the past year, we have been extremely blessed with God’s provision of the Upper Room and in the summer it was wonderful being able to worship in the open air of the garden. What a joy and a blessing to be worshiping in nature with the birds singing in the background.

Eventually, we saw that the scaffolding had come down and we were given permission to go back into the church, which meant it needed cleaning, and a group of 24 volunteers came together with ladders, mops, buckets and cloths to clean the church. As they say, ‘many hands make light work’, and it was such a wonderful day of fun, fellowship, comradery, blessings and an atmosphere of spiritual togetherness. The Lord was definitely present. One couple described the day as more spiritual rather than physical, which seemed to emanate from the church saying, ‘Welcome and Thank You’. In a time that may have tested us as a congregation, we have come so far, and pray that that spirit of togetherness continues to bind us together as one in Christ.

Giving thanks for the Harvest

Chaplaincy Council meetings

The next meetings of the Chaplaincy Council will be held on:

  • Tuesday 18th June, 10:00am Council meeting online
  • Tuesday 24th September, 10:00am Council meeting online
  • Tuesday 26th November, 10:00am Council meeting online

If you would like to suggest any items for discussion, please contact a Chaplaincy Warden:


If you would like to join the Chaplaincy Electoral Roll, please contact the Chaplaincy Administrator:

Chaplaincy Magazine: 'Spreading the Word'

Our monthly Magazine provides interesting articles on various topics, as well as monthly updates and photos from all the different sectors, as well as Chaplaincy-wide events and news.

Contributions are always very welcome and should be received no later than the 20th of the month. Please send to the Editor, Gill Sweetman:

If you wish to subscribe to receive “Spreading the Word” by post , please contact Gill for more details.

If you would like to receive a copy of “Spreading the Word” by email, please contact: